Enjoy total control of lights and appliances directly from your computer desktop. Just plug the X10 Firecracker Computer Interface into your computer's serial port, and it will allow you to click on a desktop icon and bring up a virtual X10 Remote Control directly on your computer screen. And thanks to its pass-through design, it does all this without preventing you from plugging in another serial-port device!
Point and Click Operation
By using your computer mouse to point and click on the remote's buttons, you'll have direct control over any X10-compatible lamp or appliance modules in your home automation system, including ON, OFF, DIM and BRIGHT.
Requires: Transceiver Module (TM751), FireCracker Software (below)
Range: 100 Feet RF (Radio Frequency)
Controllable Devices: Fluorescent Lights, Air conditioners, Hot tubs, Computers, Coffeemakers, Radios, Electric blankets, Hot water heaters, Battery chargers, Fountains and pool pumps, Vacuum cleaners
Note: Requires an (TM751) for proper operation, as well as Firecracker Software . X10 Plug-In RF Base, Lamp Modules and Appliance Modules sold separately.